The mission of the Big Bill Foundation is to provide academic scholarships to survivors of childhood cancer.

Bill Robinson, Co-Founder of Fit2Run, The Runner’s Superstore

Was a great leader and mentor who had a natural gift to inspire and motivate.  His passion for sport, the community, and his family was evident to anyone who spent time with him. Bill was one of the original board members of the Suncoast Aquatic Nature Center Associates  (SANCA) and served as chairman from 2014–18.  He dedicated countless hours of service to make SANCA and Nathan Benderson Park a success. Bill partnered with Manatee County in the late 2000s to turn 487 acres of rehabilitated farmland into the hiking trails and mangrove habitats in northwest Bradenton now known as Robinson Preserve.  Bill passed away in 2020 at the age of 70, following a hard-fought battle with leukemia.

Inspired by Bill’s legacy, the Big Bill Foundation was created with a mission to provide secondary education scholarships in the amount of $5,000 each to students who have survived cancer. Whether it’s college, vocational training, or specialized courses, the Big Bill Foundation strives to ensure that financial constraints do not hinder the aspirations of these incredible young warriors.

"At age 17, I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. When you get a shocking and life-threatening diagnosis right when you are about to head to college, you learn a lot about yourself and your goals for the future.... I continued to explore my passion of giving back to the cancer population through University of Florida Shands Hospital’s Streetlight volunteer program. During my time with Streetlight, I have had many meaningful and lasting connections with patients.... After much soul searching, I know I want to become a pediatric oncologist. My want to be a doctor since [I was] a child just needed a life-changing experience to fuel the desire and remind me of my reasons of wanting to go this route."
"Although my battle against cancer started at a young age, it is something that I have carried with me forever. After finally becoming cancer-free, I faced more physical and mental ailments than I could have ever imagined. Having cancer has made me more compassionate, giving, and perhaps most ironically of all, happier. From a very young age, I found my passion in life: to help others. I am getting my bachelor's degree in health sciences and psychology, with aspirations of attending medical school in the next few years. More than anything, I want to turn my dreadful bout with cancer into something amazing."
“On the 28th of February 2022, I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Large B-Cell Lymphoma, an aggressively treated form of cancer…. Even though the road to remission wasn’t without setbacks, I was stronger in mind and spirit to face every issue because of my mom. For my entire life, it has been the two of us tackling problems.... We faced adversity head on. It was a long and slow process, but we never stopped fighting…. Telling my story not only opened my heart to healing, but to offer support, raise awareness for the disease, celebrate the fight against it, and find strength in the fear of loss.”

Your participation in Big Bill Foundation races helps fund this mission, and to date, the Big Bill Foundation has awarded $65,000+ in scholarships.   Thank you for helping us support these well deserving students as they chase their dreams and live the lives they deserve.