As runners and Fit Experts, our Fit2Run staff has the great pleasure of meeting a large variety of runners and athletes. From beginner runners just starting off in their running journey to athletes who are veterans in the sport, all have come through our Fit2Run doors. While every runner is unique, we have come to find that there are some things every single runner has in common: being guilty of some of the “biggest running mistakes” which can quite literally change your running experience. (Spoiler alert: they are very easy to fix) Check out the most common, yet biggest running mistakes many runners have been guilty of making at some point and the super easy ways to adjust them so you can have the best running journey.


First things first, not having the right running shoes will be the biggest mistake in your running journey. The right pair of shoes will not only keep your feet, legs and body comfortable while you run but it will help keep you running better and longer. You can find running shoes in a lot of places but finding the perfect fit shoes for your unique preferences and needs is a different story. Each runner’s need for a running shoe depends on a variety of factors including foot shape and size but most importantly is your unique gait cycle, the biomechanics of your foot in motion. 

The best way to learn all this information is by getting a proper fitting and trying a variety of shoe styles to ensure you find the right one for you. That’s where our Fit Experts come in! Our Fit2Run Fit Process evaluates each important factor in choosing a proper running shoe with the guided help of the most advanced technology. While some runners look for higher cushioning, some need stability and extra support for their feet, and some runners are looking for a very light shoe built for speed. At Fit2Run we have a large variety of brands and models fit for every running style, because we know that the perfect fitting pair of shoes is not the same for every runner.


Coming second only to your perfect fit running shoes, is proper running apparel. Wearing the right running apparel can not only be more comfortable but can also help your running performance as well. Just as there are varying shoes for every unique runner, there are many collections of apparel made for every style of running. Running apparel has come a long way in recent years with advanced technology like reflective details to keep you safe while running during dark hours of the day, and the use of high performance materials to keep you comfortable while you run. Nike innovated the now regularly used sweat wicking material for athletic wear with their trademarked “Dri-Fit” clothing lines that features the technology that wicks moisture away from the body and evaporates that moisture to keep you cool and dry throughout your workout. Similar technology is now used in most running apparel creating pieces with materials such as polyester, Nylon, or Bamboo which are all proven to be breathable and comfortable materials. Whether you choose to run in shorts, and a sleeved shirt or long pants and a tank top, make sure to stay away from cotton when choosing your running outfit as it will absorb your sweat and trap moisture. 


We know once you get hooked on running you don’t want to stop, and you’ll be dreading the idea of a rest day, (those days you will probably be itching even more for a run). And while as runners ourselves we can fully understand the feeling, we also know how important it is to give your body a break in order to build itself stronger and be better for your next run. Especially if you have experienced a recent injury, not allowing your body to fully recuperate before running again will not be good for your running later on. But remember rest days don’t have to mean that you do nothing at all, it could mean a nice walk around the neighborhood, or doing a good foam rolling session, a yoga class, a swim, or a bike ride. The important thing is to give your feet and legs a break from hitting the pavement. Choose a less intense activity to do during the time you would be running and let your body flex out a little bit between running days. 


The phrase “You can’t win them all” is never more true than for a runner in training. Every time we go out for a run we expect it to match our best time or be able to go farther and we will be feeling great once we’re done. But the truth is that not every run will be a great run. Some runs will be slower than we want, some runs will be shorter than planned and sometimes it will feel like everything that can go wrong will go wrong during our run, and honestly that’s ok, slower runs mixed in with your training are actually encouraged. While it may not always be easy it’s important to remember that it’s all part of the process. Instead take each run, the good and the bad, as an individual learning experience to help you in your overall running journey. Don’t let one “not so great run” bring you down, remind yourself of the things that made you fall in love with running and remember there’s an opportunity for another great run just around the corner. 


To some this list may seem rather obvious and some may be totally surprised by the information  that made the list, but trust us when we say that fixing these “running mistakes” will make the biggest difference in your running journey. There is no shame in admitting to making any or all of these common mistakes, we can assure you that you are not the only one (ask any runner). And once you become aware that you may have made some of these mistakes in the past, we promise that your present and future self will thank you for never making them again. 


If you’re looking for some friendly advice, are in need of any running gear or just want to chat with a fellow runner on all things running, make sure to visit us at one of our Fit2Run locations throughout Florida or Puerto Rico, where our Fit Experts would love to meet you.  

Katie Cardinale
Tagged: Training