“I love running!”…is not a phrase that comes to all of us so easily or all the time. As runners we know it’s not always ‘sunshine and daisies’ . Sometimes running is hard, we just don’t feel like doing it. At Fit2Run, we are here to encourage you every step of your running journey and especially on the days you just don’t want to.Check out some of our favorite ways to remind ourselves of why we love running especially, on those days it takes a little more motivation to get us into our running shoes and out the door.


Let’s be honest, sometimes the thought of going for a run, or doing any type of workout, seems like a chore and something we HAVE to do. Which makes it very easy to find any excuse not to do it. Instead of thinking of it as a chore, think of it as something you GET to do and how lucky you are that you can. Plus, think about how great and accomplished you will feel after your run.


It’s not that you mind the running, it’s that you don’t want to do it alone, so call a friend(s) and invite them to come along! Sometimes the most fun part of running is that you get to do it with friends. Running with friends is also a great time to catch up and share life happenings, or, even vent about a stressful day.. But, the best part is that you can be motivation for each other to stay on track with your goals. And the truth is there’s no friends like running friends, they are one of a kind and love you even when you’re all sweaty.


Running is a unique sport as there’s no one “right” way to run. You can run in so many different settings there’s a perfect style of running for everyone. You can be a morning runner, running first thing in the morning to jump start your day, or a late night runner and use running as a way to de-stress. Maybe you like speed and prefer shorter fast runs or you prefer distance and go for higher mileage runs. Any way you most enjoy running should be the type of running you do the most.


There is not much better running motivation than that of wanting to show off some new running gear. Treat yourself to running shoes or apparel that makes you feel powerful and comfortable just by wearing it. When you feel confident it shows to those around you and in return makes you feel great and usually pretty energized too. Combine that with the positive endorphins running helps release while you run, the right running gear will transform your running journey. 


The reasons why we start running are as unique as the styles of running shoes we wear. Possibly your reason is as simple as it’s a physical activity that improves your health or maybe, you are looking to get into a new hobby. No matter your reason, always remind yourself about your “Why” and embrace your goals one step at a time. Whenever you’re feeling tentative about running, remind yourself of the reason why you started and don’t let yourself forget it. 


Remember, having days of doubt or low motivation is totally normal and it happens to everyone. It doesn’t mean you’re not a runner or don’t love to run. Sometimes you just need a reminder on why you fell in love with running. Tip: print a picture that reminds you of a good time running, your running goal, or something in running that makes you smile and keep it in a place where you see it daily. This will hopefully make you smile everyday and also help motivate you on days you need a little extra push!

Alex Dougherty
Tagged: Training Wellness