
SaltStick Caps [100ct Bottle]

$19.76 Club Price

Model Size Information


  • Scientifically backed formula An independent study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, suggests that athletes who rely on SaltStick Caps to replace at least 50% of sodium lost through sweat could experience better physical performance compared with those who consumed significantly lower levels of electrolytes. 
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegetarian
  • Non GMO
  • SUGGESTED USE: Take 1 capsule with water every 30-60 minutes during physical activity
  • Informed Choice. SaltStick Caps are regularly tested for banned substances under the Informed Choice program. Products undergo a rigorous, accredited four-step certification and testing process to provide ​athletes the highest level of assurance.

Contents per Capsule:

  • 215 mg Na Sodium
  • 63 mg K Potassium
  • 22 mg Ca Calcium 1
  • 11 mg Mg Magnesium
  •  100 IU Vit. D Vitamin D